The 2-day Discover Training is meant for anyone who wants to dive into Keys. You will learn everything about the basic principles and philosophy underlying the Keys concept. This training will enable you to understand your Keys Profile better. No prior knowledge is required.
The Discover Training consists of 2 meeting days. Here is an overview of the programme:
Day 1
09:30 – Start of the day’s programme.
- The basic principles of Keys.
- The gifts that characterise you: background.
- Interpreting the gifts profile.
- The values you live by: background.
16:30 – Finish.
Day 2
09:30 – Start of the day’s programme.
- The lens and focus: background
- Interpreting the lens and focus.
- The Keys profile: putting it together.
- The talents you work with: background.
- In practice: reading and interpreting a profile.
16:30 – Finish.
Course duration
2 days
09:30 – 16:30
Number of participants
Maximum 12
The next training will be in Northern Ireland, in the Coleraine area.
After the training
I understood much better
how to help my friends.
This module consists of two training days. Training days start at 9:30 and finish at 16:30. Lunch is included.
For each course we can host up to 12 participants.
The trainers
The training will be facilitated by experienced Keys specialists Jan and Paul.
Prior knowledge
No prior knowledge is required. Before the first training day, you need to complete the Keys Test. During the training you will gain insight into your profile.
Support the work of Keys
Keys offers this 2-day programme at cost price. If you want to support us in our work, please consider donating to help us continue to make these courses available for others.
After the training I understood much better how to help my friends.
Our next couple of 2-day training courses will be held near Coleraine, Northern Ireland. Do you have any specific needs? Make sure to let us know.
Soon more dates
Course cost: £275
A course handbook, training materials, lunch, coffee/tea etc, and a Keys certificate.
The more I get to know about Keys, the more I want to know!
Shortly after signing up, you will receive an e-mail from the course facilitator. This e-mail contains the confirmation of your entry in the course and your invoice. You will also receive the link to the Keys Test and details about your training course. If you have questions, please contact us via our contact form.